20 May 2009

i dreamt of u ytd.
i dreamt tt we were happily eating in a restaurant and went shopping
just like the past.
i felt so xin fu in the dream and i didnt want to wake up at all
u noe who u are and u might most likely forgotten the existance of this blog.
it was u who made me decide to create this blog to pen down every event we went through together.

do u noe u were the only guy who i am willing to find a job just so that i can get u something nice every mth?
do u noe that u are the only guy i like to hold hands and hug in public to show the whole world world that you are mine?
do u noe that every white + blue bike i see on the road i hope its u so that i have have another look at u? however so many of this colour bike behind fetch girl.
i so hope its u cus i wanna see u but on the other hand i hope its not cus the girl behind is hugging the rider. u promised me that the seat behind u is meant for me only. i dunno if u still kept tt promise.
do you noe how worried was i when someone lied to me that u had an accident? i was on my way to bugis to meet faith that day and i almost wanted to cancel the meet up although she was already there. u noe me very well that i will not last min cancel a meet up with a friend de.

well.. it has been 16 mths since the separation and i have not totally gotten over it yet =(
i will try my best to do so because i promised u that i will move on

i have deleted all your smses and stopped looking at your photos
i even tried getting myself another bf
but it doesnt seemed to work.

it doesnt helps by appearing in my dream ytd.

many times i was looking back how we started.
have u ever wondered,
if we didnt start that way, would thing be better?

i saw u online but i didnt want to tell u abt my feelings.
i dont noe how to.
u might probably already have another gf
afterall telling u would also be useless since its already impossible to patch ya?
afterall i have changed.
i became someone u would not like at all.
i just hope that u have still been visiting this blog hoping i would write something again 1 day =)

writtern @2:51 AM

19 September 2008

kinda busy this few days..
didnt have anytime to blog..
fyp datelines are coming up again..
weekly logs and things assigned to me..
this team is very slack i mus say..
we only had 1 meeting so far ><

nth really happen actually..
its just sch, fyp, flea markets..

anyone noe where to get cheap spaces?
tag me ya?

writtern @2:13 PM

08 September 2008

i love the friends i made in rp..

they are always by my side especially at times where :
-they needed help
-i have good lobangs
-they need a scapegoat and i innocently out of kindness help them
-they had no friends to accompany them at tt point of time

they are always MIA/ show super black face when:
-i refuse to give them more discount at my shop although i had slashed the price by a few $$ already (hello.. i doing business not open charity lei)
-i feel sick at sch hence eat a lil slower then usual
-when i want find someone to go for breaks/toilet with me
-when im having problems with the project work which they allocated for me (the hardest part of the project which i didnt really mind cus i treat them as friends)
-etc etc. lazy to say le

back to myself..
woke up and found out i lost my voice..
it took some time before it came back..
washed up, prepared..
was late for sch again =(
woke up early le but there was a bad jam on the expressway due to an accident..

reach sch at i think 8.45 ..
my original faci didnt come today and relief faci was my enterprise faci on yr 1 !
that irritating woman who down grades students with wierd reasons like your voice is too low..

well.. my headache is coming back again..
sian.. :Z

writtern @2:12 PM

04 September 2008

first day of sch..
late! =(


writtern @2:19 PM

27 August 2008

today is the 27th of aug..

i wished it was like the same 27 a yr b4 :(


writtern @4:04 AM