29 November 2006


2nd post for the day..

uploaded the photos i took ytd..

went to eat steam boat with dear and his colleuges to celebrate his bdae =)

after dinner..

dear's bdae cake.. coffee flavour de.. heheh..

a pose with the cake.. where are the candles??

a pose with bdae boy..

another pose with bdae boy..

cutting the cake

still trying to cut..

tata!! finally..

writtern @10:06 PM

home from school..




waiting for dear to come online so he can send me my half written RJ..

dear complained that i blogged too little ytd..



shall upload some pics later..


writtern @5:59 PM

28 November 2006

currently at dear's house.. today is the last day of his "holiday" heex..

anyway i left sch during the 5th presentation today cus its v boring and its gonna end very very late.. left with shuet qi.. keke.. reach dear's place at 5++.. do rj.. quiz.. evaluation.. then check culture UT grade.. i got a B!! so happy.. won jing wen..


writtern @7:39 PM

27 November 2006

lesson today was fun.. its on taking photos.. took a couple of photos with my team mates..

these 2 are my favourite

hehs (:

took a cab to cwp after school cus it was raining.. headed straight to dear's house.. he has 2 days MC.. poor boy.. need to eat medicine and lots of rest.. luckily he has tricia lek here to nurse him.. hee..

ate wanton mee with dear and his friend for dinner.. as usual i was last to finish and dear had evil thoughts of helping himself to my food.. hmph.. went "home" after dinner.. chatted with dear about some stuff.. he made me happy =)

fed dear his medicine and then chatted awhile more before dear send me home.. at first it was only drizzling and then the rain got bigger and bigger.. cold cold.. i told dear to drop me off 63 bus stop and i'll take a bus home myself so he wouldnt get too wet and fall even sicker.. but of cus dear insisted on sending me home.. hees..

i pray that dear would get well soon so he do not need to eat medicine or watch what he eats..


writtern @11:01 PM

26 November 2006


nth much to say..

spent the last 4 days with dear celebrating our birthday..

thurs - shopping at vivocity and orchard

fri - shopping at bugis. dear bought me a watch

sat - dinner at soup restaurant, played acarde and watched happy feet

today - slept almost the whole day. didnt do much but i still enjoyed my day.

this was my happiest bdae after 18 years on earth.. thanks dear for taking time off work to accompany me.. its going to be our 8th month together in about an hr..

love ya =D

writtern @10:48 PM

24 November 2006

stayed over at dear's house ytd.. woke up at i think 9++.. lazed arnd until 2+ then went to eat lunch and then went to suntec acarde to play.. caught 10 hankerchiefs but im still short of 1 design =(

went nike and addidas after that to look for wind breaker.. nth nice.. so we went bugis to meet my W14H peeps.. walk walked around bugis street.. dear bought a watch for me..

moo moo

wanted to get another design but then they didnt have a new one so i settled with this..

went to meet xq after that to get my bdae present.. miss the exit at ECP and we ended up at changi.. zz.. but its ok la.. since i had nv been to that part for spore before.. hehe.. after travelling for a long time i finally reached tamp.. waiting for xq at 201 mac.. faith and her made a puzzle for me.. winnie the pooh~!! hee =)

winnie the pooh puzzle from xq and faith

writtern @10:41 PM

pictures speak a thousand words..

bdae present from peilin

i enjoyed my day (=

writtern @11:55 AM

23 November 2006


just woke up.. ponned school today..
going out soon..

shall blog later =)

writtern @11:59 AM

22 November 2006

waiting for dear to reach home..
he went to meet his friend for dinner..

went parkway with my parents to celebrate my birthday.. ate at sakae because there was nothing nice there to eat.. i didnt really eat sushi.. ordered a bowl of tempura udon and my tummy's already full.. took a pic tt everyone does at sakae just that mine isnt that tall.. heex..

walk walked around parkway for awhile to see if there's anything to buy.. nothing caught my attention.. bought a pink mirror with pooh and eeyore printing from watsons.. cute..

took some photos just now..

say cheese =)

my bro and me..

writtern @11:12 PM

chatted with jing wen on msn in class..

jing wen: our school got ghost sia
me: ??
jing wen: u nt scared?
jing wen: got pontianak and ju-on
me: how u noe??
jing wen: got this auntie cleaner can see ghost tell my friend
me: where where??
jing wen: toilets, classroom
me: wahs..
jing wen: the auntie say she saw pontianak licking kotex
me: eeeeeee
jing wen: so dont anyhow throw ur kotex.. they will eat..

moral of the story: dont go to the toilet to slack..

writtern @1:51 PM

21 November 2006

this is the second time tricia is blogging for today.. you must be thinking why you only see 1 post when tricia said she blogged twice.. well.. thats because her explorer hanged after she finished typing the post and right before she could press publish.. zzz.. but since she's free and bored.. she's going to retype it again..

tricia watched yamasaki in school today.. it wasnt exactly the type of show she enjoys watching.. but because she's bored during lesson, everything's nice (: she plans to watch the convent tmr although she would be contineously interupted by her irritating maths faci..

tricia planned not to attend school on thurs and fri because its her birthday.. she would be turning 18 on 23rd nov.. that also means that tmr would be the last day of school for the week for her.. she would be having a tight schedule because she would be meeting up with friends to celebrate her birthday..

her schedule for the next few days is as followed..







writtern @11:05 PM

20 November 2006

feeling irritated by myself for being forgetful.. cabbed to school today cus i tot theres UT when its actually on wed.. waste my money.. 13 bucks gone.. zzz.. lesson was alright.. culture today.. pretty boring but easy.. its about stories.. we had to pick a story and talk about its origin and its significants to the people.. my team did on the tortoise and the hare.. there are many versions of it.. in one of the versions the 2nd part was that the hare wanted a race again.. this time down the hill.. the tortoise won again cus he hid in its shell and rolled down.. lol.. didnt know there were many versions to a parable like this till today.. besides working on the problem, spent the rest of the time watching flushed away.. cute.. heh.. ok.. tts all for school..

at dear's work place nw.. waiting for him to end work.. bought cheese bread, potato chips and biscuits while waiting.. biscuits for dear and bread for my breakfast.. gave dear mentos also.. hees.. dear so bad jus now.. put the cat in air con room.. cold cold.. but i aint any better la.. i supported him..


birthday is coming soon.. 3 more days.. dont forget my prezzie (:

writtern @8:54 PM

19 November 2006


dear ended work late again today.. but its ok.. i was suppose to go out to buy new shoe lace for dear but i ended up sleeping frm arnd 4 to arnd 8++++.. called dear immediately when i woke up.. dear still working so i went back to sleep 5 more min.. hees..

my maid bought chicken wing home.. ate that for dinner.. accompanied dear for dinner after that.. he ate lamb chop + rice.. i helped myself to his fries.. he didnt complain today =)

went home after tt.. chatted for awhile at the carpark before going up.. he keep teasing me about the disappearance of my dimples =(

its really time i shld start exercising..

writtern @11:22 PM

went shopping with my bro ytd.. wore the new pair of heels and it left lots of blisters on my toes =(

dear came to pick me up at my bro's work place.. as usual he took years to come.. zzz.. went to watch casino royale after that.. nt bad la.. at least i understood the show.. i think its the first action show i understooded.. heheh..

reached home at abt 11.15 today.. dear was late for work.. going out later to get dear new shoe lace cus he broke his.. lols..

ok.. i shall stop here now.. shall blog more later if i have the mood to =)

writtern @1:10 PM

18 November 2006

home sweet home..

dear picked me up from school today and he was late.. zzz.. went to buy strawberry milkshake for him while waiting.. he liked it =D

the topic for cognitive this week is on metaphor and knowledge.. quite easy la.. it was pretty straight forward just that its boring.. and oh ya.. was very very late for school.. i reached at like 9.40.. was nv so late before.. its all the bus fault.. i waited for it for 45 min.. zzz..

went suntec for dinner with dear and his irritating phone kept ringing.. ate at kfc.. dear finally got to eat the fish and chip and chicken he had been craving for.. the fish and chip there is not bad jus that its very expensive.. want extra tar tar sauce also need pay.. zzz.. living in spore is so expensive.. heard from my classmate that GST going increase dunno to 7% or by 7%..

dear did something just nw just to make me jealous..

hmph =(

writtern @12:20 AM

16 November 2006

took honey's bluetooth home cus he had been disobedient.. he had the intention of talking while riding bike.. don't you know that i would get worried when u do so??

i cant wait for tmr cus the day after is the weekends.. and after that its gonna be a short week as i would only be going school on 3 days.. honey also going work 3 days only cus its our birthday and 8th month.. 3 in 1 celebration???

played a game with dear jus now.. we mus say 3 words.. i you.. we have to say everything except for i love you.. the one who have no choice and say i love you loses.. lol.. and i won.. heex.. i noe it may sound stupid la.. but its fun k..

7 days to birthday..
10 days to honey's bithday..
11 days to 8 month..


writtern @11:07 PM

new skin.. bored of the old one.. heh (:

writtern @10:36 AM

15 November 2006


today is wed.. 2 more days to the weekends.. weekends are for me to catch up with my sleep and accompany dear..hees.. dear said he would come to pick me up this fri again.. yays.. i hope is doesn't rains like the last few weeks..

im turning 18 next thurs.. for those who don't know what to get for me heres a list of my wants..
  1. new bag
  2. new clothes
  3. new shoes
  4. watch
  5. accessories
  6. chocolates (cus dear doesn't allow me to buy chocolates)
you can either meet up with me or send them by post..


writtern @6:46 PM

14 November 2006

school is getting tiring again.. at least time this sem passed much faster then last sem.. i rmb by this time of last sem i've already almost ran out of offdays.. this also showed that im getting more and more guai =P

today learn about supply chain management.. the topic was quite easy but boring.. its exactly like a typical enterprise lesson where we need to highlight what went wrong and what could be done to address the situation.. zzz..

i keep getting oversea pranks calls and pranks calls frm bangalas recently and its irritating cus they bomb my phone with miss calls.. i even had problems giving dear morning call today cus they kept calling in when i was trying to call out.. then when i was on my way home frm school some bangala sms dunno wat shit.. then i tot it was dear using his spare sim card so i replied.. zzz.. then dear find out le call tt bangala scold.. heheh..

made dear dear shy shy jus nw.. then he try hiding behind me so i cannot see his shy shy look..


writtern @11:04 PM

13 November 2006

bought a pair of heels today.. bdae present from mummy.. hees.. dear wanted to look at it but he doesn't know how to open the shoe box cus he didnt know that got scotch tape.. keke.. so cute la.. he pull pull pull then ask me why cannot open.. then i tell him cus got scotch tape then he like paiseh dont want see le.. hehehe..

nice mah??

writtern @6:57 PM

12 November 2006


spent the whole afternoon trying to make honeydew sago for honey jus nw but it turned out to be a disaster.. it tasted more like liquified cookies instead.. sobz.. im nw stuck with lots and lots of fruits which have to be eaten in like 2 days before it goes bad... it seemed that i could only cook simple stuff like instant noodles, eggs and those that you just dump into the toaster and wait for it to be ready and even that sometimes it doesnt taste nice.. zzz.. maybe i shld have spent my afternoon sleeping..

anyway.. everyone that i know of had gotten their internet banking device from DBS except for me.. honey says that such devices are for grown ups and not for kids like me.. hmph.. gonna wait for a few more days..

im having a sudden craving for chicken nuggets nw.. thinking of going to the supermarket later to get it so i can eat it for supper.. honey would be jealous that i ate chicken without him again.. hehehe..

ok.. its time i stop thinking about food..

its 6.50 nw which means i'll be able to see
honey again in about an hour when i bring him dinner.. hees..

one day i'll make something nice for you honey =)

writtern @6:54 PM

dear bad.. bite me =(

i gonna come out with an evil plan to revenge.. MUAHAHAHAHA

writtern @12:12 PM

11 November 2006

ponned school today.. i overslept and woke up at 7.. decided to take the later bus at 7.55 so i can take my time to prepare for school.. and guess wat.. i missed the bus.. to make things worst i thought i was on bus 55 so i decided to stop at still rd instead so i would definately get a seat on 966.. but i was on bus 25 and i ended up at bedok.. thanks to my blurness.. wanted to take a cab but i forgot to bring my atm card and i didnt had enough cash with me.. everything just had to happen at the same time.. zzz.. as a result i had no choice but to take 168 instead.. by the time the bus was at tamp it was already like 8.20 so i alighted and took a bus home.. reached home at 9+.. sian lor.. shouldnt have even got up in the morning then can sleep throughout more shuang.. dear's plan was spoilt cus i didnt go school.. he wanted to give me a surprise pick up from school.. heh..

called dear when i got home to tell him i didnt go to sch.. as usual he's still in dreamland so he reaction was only haiyo.. after that i went to sleep.. dear woke me up at 12+ but then i didnt wake up cus i was feeling lazy.. somehow my laziness influenced dear and he also went back to sleep.. we both woke up at 2++.. chatted online with him for awhile then he came over to pick me up.. we ate duck rice and wanton soup for lunch.. after that we went shop and save walk walk since its raining cats and dogs.. left ubi at 6+..

went bugis to look for jane's present but i ended up shopping for my own stuff =P found the small chip and dale at seiyu and dear bought it for me.. heex.. walk walk arnd bugis then later went suntec cus dear wanted to eat the tako pachi there.. but we were too late.. they close liao.. so we went acarde instead.. dear caught me a minnie mouse.. spend 9 bucks on it.. but then its cute la.. keke..

dear brought me jln besar to eat supper.. he bought me a big plate of rice which cost $4.. eat until full full.. couldnt finish it so dear help me eat the last few mouthfuls.. heh.. after that dear send me home liao.. reached home at 11++..

took some photos jus now.. heh..

OMG i look so fat.. zzz..

dear resting.. tired..


chip and dale

writtern @12:38 AM

08 November 2006

regretted attending school today.. should have stayed in bed this morning and enjoy the comfort of my bed.. reason being 1) lesson boring 2) RJ boring 3) the stupid faci keep coming to my team to see what we are doing.. wan msn also cannot cus he'll look at our chat window.. he look as in really look nt in the case of glance just to see if we're look at the problem or doing other things.. so kpo.. zzz..

went cwp with shuet qi during 2nd breakout.. wanted to get jane's bdae present bt it seemed that they do not have anything nice there.. saw a pair of heels at metro which cost $59.90.. nt bad la.. thinking of getting it someday.. keke.. anyway i ate lunch at mac.. i ordered happy meal and the lady looked shocked... honey is going to nag at me for eating unhealthy food again when he sees this.. heh.. i think its time i go on a diet..

lesson ended at 2.50 today which surprisingly earlier then my friend's class who start their 3rd meeting at 1.15.. they were only at their 3rd team and im already leaving sch.. lol.. walked to inter with sherilyn, pin and wei jie.. on my way home i saw this mad woman on bus 25.. she keep talking to herself loudly in dilect so i couldnt understand what she's saying.. then when the bus passed some coconut trees she started pointing to them.. i guess she's commenting about the trees cus she looked like she talking about their height..

i better blog something abt honey cus he complained that i didnt blog anything abt him again ytd.. as usual honey was v lazy today.. i woke him up at 9.50 and he requested for more time to sleep.. then i called him again at 10.. he got up at arnd 10.05 jus to msn me that he wans 10 min more.. so i called him at 10.15 on my hp time and he said i cheat him of 3 mins cus he clock shows 10.12!! so i called him again 4 min later and this time he said im 1 min late.. zzz.. it seemed more like he's timing me instead of sleeping.. hehe.. this just shows how lazy honey is.. but its alright.. tricia lek will always be there to wake you up every morning k.. muacks.. i can't wait for next next week cus we'll be celebrating our birthdays and 8th month.. hee..

i love u honey =)

writtern @5:49 PM

07 November 2006

today's the last lesson for accounting.. phew.. next week would be on supply chain management.. sound much easier.. at least there are no formulas..

it was raining cats and dogs when i ended school.. my slippers was so soaked with rain water and dirt.. the path to cwp also gt lots of earthworms.. long long slimy slimy.. so gross lor.. zzz..

i cant make up my mind whether to skip sch tmr..

writtern @6:23 PM

06 November 2006

lessons today was fun.. it was held in the smart lecture theatre at w2.. nice atmosphere to study in.. heh.. ok back to the topic.. the lesson today was on drama.. the title is my classmate died ytd.. the plot was about a girl name amy who died in a car accident on the way home after school.. we're allowed to change the storyline but the idea of the dead classmate has to be there.. i acted as fake amy and hospital receiptionist.. heheh..

thinking of giving sch a miss on wed.. firstly cus im tired, secondly its maths and lastly theres no UT.. keke..

the correct way to pronounce happy birthday is happy burfsday.. LOL..

16 days to burfsday
19 days to dear's burfsday


writtern @6:35 PM

05 November 2006

dear gave me a packet of twisties jus nw.. he also milk candy with cow packaging again.. however this time its in small packets.. but just as long there are cows its cute =)

dear have been pampering me with lots of small gift recently.. he's been treating me better and better each day.. he's a bf tt every girl would dream of.. too bad he's MINE.. hehehe..


  1. a pair of heels
  2. new watch
  3. ice cream cake
  4. new clothes
  5. new bag
  6. new shoes

writtern @10:14 PM

jus got home not long ago..

bored ):

dear was late for work but he still sent me home first..


my maid isnt cooking anything for lunch so it seems that i have to eat instant noodles again =~

anyway dear caught me two soft toys frm the acarde ytd..

they're both pink in colour..

it has been a long time since we last went there..

we used to catch new toys every week..


writtern @11:48 AM

04 November 2006

didnt blog last few days cus blogger is giving so much problems.. boo!!


nth much happen la.. went to sch as usual.. dear went to meet his friends for free supper after work.. when he just had his dinner like 2 hrs ago.. so greedy of him.. he's always around when theres free food..


dear had his off day.. headed to his house straight after sch.. i tried taking 966 to change bus 145 along the expressway and i took it it frm the wrong direction and the bus went into toa payoh.. bt its ok la.. anyway the next stop was already the interchange so didn't waste lots of time.. heh.. played JX II and msn ed for awhile.. talked to jane.. she wants to get me a birthday present.. so nice of her.. heh.. later i and dear went lao par sar for dinner.. ate satay and noodles.. the noodles was soooooooo salty.. of cus the shop fried a new plate for us.. i wanted to go shopping but dear refused to bring me out.. he wants to go home.. i played JX II again then went newton for supper.. dear sent me home after dinner..


woke up at 2+.. ate instant noodles for lunch.. somehow it didnt taste as yummy as before.. dear found the song i told him about a few days ago.. muacks.. dear's bringing me out again today after work.. and yes im staying over his house tonight.. i missed him hugging me to sleep (:

writtern @3:25 PM

01 November 2006

lesson ended early today.. it was maths and the problem has something to do with simultaneous equations.. confusing la.. in secondary sch we only had like 2 unknowns to deal with bt today's prob has FIVE unknowns.. zzz.. walked to wdl inter with pin and sherilyn.. they saw my photos in friendster and thought that dear is arnd our age when he's actually much much older.. LOL.. it rained heavily when i was on 966 and the bus was freaking cold as a result.. got home at like 4++.. i bought cheese flavoured ritz biscuits to eat.. it was yummy.. i wan to buy more!! and of cus dear nagged at me for eating unhealthy food again.. =~

writtern @5:40 PM

reached home at 12 ytd.. ate steam boat with dear for supper then he sent me home.. he's jealous i ate pizza without him because pizza is one of his favourite food and he always dont get to eat it.. heh..

saw a pair of heels at POA ytd which cost 22 bucks.. it looks nice on me bt they dont have my size and they're not going to order anymore.. sadded.. anyway mummy agree to buy me a new pair of shoes for my bdae.. heh..

shall blog more later =)

writtern @9:02 AM