31 December 2006

the year has come to an end again..
time flies man,.
however this year was a little diff from other years..
firstly.. i didnt had any plans to meet up with friends to countdown..
secondly.. i had the best gift this yr..
spend almost the whole year with him =)

writtern @11:41 AM

30 December 2006

finally i could log in to blogger..
my internet connection is giving me probs preventing me frm logging in =~

went suntec acarde with dear ytd as usual.. bt this time i paid for most of it.. dear has to start saving le.. i shall share some of his burden =D
went to dear's friend house after suntec.. had supper there and then dear played cards and watched tv.. stayed over at dear's house ytd.. hehs..

reached home at 11+ today.. ate some of dear's breakfast jus nw.. food eaten with him always taste better =)

going to play game again..

writtern @12:54 PM

28 December 2006

woke up earlier then usual today =D

it was pouring when i got up.. nice weather to sleep in but couldnt get back to sleep due to renovation works in my estate.. they're going to make lifts on every floor.. and the lift is jus right beside my door which means my only source of excerise (the stairs) would be gone as i would become lazier =X

ok.. going to play game le.. blog another day =)

writtern @10:39 PM

27 December 2006

its another wet day..

but at least, dear managed to bring the present home during the short breaks between the rain.. he liked the present i gave him =)
peeled lots of longans for dear too.. dear ate them all.. he didnt share it with anyone.. greedy boy..

dear gave me some tibits to eat.. full.. im thinking of eating the leftovers from dinner nw.. hehe..

dear wont be able to play any online games with me today.. his internet connection was affected by the earthquake =(



writtern @9:56 PM

26 December 2006

rain rain go away..
come again another day..

the rain's preventing dear frm bring my xmas present for him home.. he doesnt wants to get it drenched in the rain.. and tt means he hasnt seen wat i got for him =(

writtern @6:23 PM

25 December 2006


went orchard to get a box to put dear's present ytd.. bought him a cute brown box with bear printings on it.. well.. it was damn crowded at orchard.. took about 15 mins just to get from wisma to taka to meet jerelynn and her friend.. and abt half an hr to get back to the mrt.. zz..

went to ps after tt and bought dear's box.. walked walked shopped shopped a little too.. after tt we went chomp chomp for dinner cum supper.. dear came to join us for dinner after work.. he ordered lots of food of us to eat..

took lots of photos also.. however only 2 are nice..

jerelynn + me

after supper, dear brought me to his friend's house to play cards.. ate again.. stayed there until near 3 am then dear sent me home..
tts all for ytd..

my maidless period ended.. naggings abt my messy bed is gone.. heh.. my whole family went over to my ah gong's place for xmas except for me and my kor kor cus i wanted to meet dear later and gg over to my ah gong's place was kinda last min.. folded dear's box jus nw.. im only left with sticking the sides together =D

writtern @4:49 PM

23 December 2006

just woke up.. bad a bad dream.. i dreamt that dear had to migrate to another country with his family and he only left me a note cus he didnt dare to tell me face to face =(
luckily its only a dream..


dear had his off day.. we went out.. met dear at 5+..
1st stop - suntec
spent lots of $$ at the acarde.. he caught me many toys.. hees..

= 12 toys =D

i want to catch the chipmunk home someday!!

after kiaping toys, we went to get have our meal at pizza hut.. i couldnt finish my share of pizza.. checked out the timings for night of the museum after dinner.. there is a show at either 9+ or 11+.. dear wanted the 9+ one while i wanted to watch the 11+ one.. argued abt it for awhile.. dear being bad lied to me.. he told me that we shld watch the 9+ one cus i had to go home so we should nt catch the later one.. bt actually the reason is he could not wait to watch the show.. zzz.. dear went to kiap toys for me again cus we couldnt come to an agreement.. after spending more money at the acarde i gave in to dear so we went to get the tix for night at the museum.. however, they were all sold out =( rushed over to shaw tower and bugis too bt the tix were all sold out.. as a reault we had to catch the late show..

catching a later show means we gonna have lots of free time.. we spent half the time chatting with each other and the other half at the acarde again.. stayed at bugis till abt 1130 then we headed over to shaw tower again to catch the 1145 show.. the show was nice and its worth watching =)

writtern @1:38 PM

21 December 2006

had a good sleep ytd.. slept at arnd 12 and woke up at 3+ today.. hehe.. went to pom pom and then went tmall to meet xq.. she had a xmas gift for me.. she bought me a cup with cat printings on it.. walk walked arnd cs for awhile.. after tt went pasar malam to get dinner for dear and myself.. they didnt sell the food i wanted so i ended up buying tea egg for dear and myself.. after pasar malam i went to the food court and bought dear hokkien mee and carrot cake for myself.. nt v nice.. and it cost me $6.50 in total =(

played game with dear the minute i reach home till he end work.. dear so lazy.. keep playing nv do work.. in the end have to go home slightly later.. zzz..

dear gave me a box of cakes today =)

writtern @11:13 PM

20 December 2006


jus ate my breakfast..

stayed over at dear's house again ytd cus it was pouring heavily ytd so he couldnt send me home..

anyway, im jobless again..

left cus its boring working alone and the pay isn't good..

dear forgot to return me my phone..

take my things again as usual..

gonna spend the rest of my day sleeping and online-ing =D

writtern @10:59 AM

18 December 2006

waiting for dear at his work place now..



worked today..

it was tiring..


prob i wouldnt stay there for long..

dear is rich enough =P

writtern @9:04 PM

16 December 2006


just woke up..

time for updates for the past few days..


woke up at 4+ and got ready to leave for genting.. smsed dear in the journey frm golden mile to causeway.. tt lazy boy was suppose to get up to call me.. zzz..
travelled for another 5 hrs ++ until i reached genting.. stopped only twice for a break.. headed straight to my hotel to check in.. stayed at resort hotel.. changed room 3 times before settling down..
1st room: 5th storey, noisy, got this motor sound which i think is frm the theme park..
2nd room: 12 storey, wierd noises, got ghost? , unpleasant feeling..
3rd room: 6th storey, no noise (except water noises frm the toilet pipe) , no ghost..
went for lunch after checking in the 1st room.. ate fishball noodles at the kopitiam at first world hotel.. it tasted different from the ones i ate from the kopitiam in s'pore.. went to the acarde after lunch.. didnt see any kiap toy machines.. decided to spent money on those capsule machines (those tt u turn then 1 capsule will drop out) .. its damn ex there.. i need to change medels to put into the machine.. each medels cost 4RM.. and each turn cost 2 medels which is = $4 !! spent RM 100++ there.. got doreamon for dear too.. hee.. after that i went back to the hotel and changed room.. after settling down at the last room, we went shopping.. reserved a black shirt for myself and enquired about the genting world card.. went for dinner at marrybrown.. ate a 2 piece chicky meal there.. after eating i carried on with my shopping.. bought an IDD card to call dear.. however, i had no idea on how to use it =(
dear called me at night to talked for a few mins.. it seemed like only a few sec though.. after talking on the phone for tt few mins i off-ed my phone and went to bed..


woke up at 9++.. the first thing i did was on my phone to see if dear had smsed me.. he did =) he smsed me at 1++ am when i was already sound asleep telling me tt he cant sleep.. he wasnt use to talking to me so little in a day.. heex.. drank hot chocolate and ate oystal egg for breakfast.. the oystal egg wasnt v nice.. went to sit cable car after that.. shopped for something for dear's ah ma there.. bought her sour plums cus i didnt noe wat she likes.. took a cable car back at arnd 3.. mum bought me 2 belts.. went to sign up for the world card and paid for the shirt i reserved after tt.. saw a shirt to get for dear but couldnt make up my mind whether to get it.. dear smsed me that he gonna be bz today so i didnt bother him until he reached home.. for dinner, i drank hot chocolate again and ate dim sum.. then its shopping time again.. went supper after shopping.. ate prata.. after that, i went back to the hotel.. saw somebody using the IDD card and i asked for help on how to use it.. managed to call dear =)


woke up at 10+ .. went for lunch at a place called hao wei.. i ate duck noodles.. the duck is nice.. hehe.. after tt shop shop then went back there again for 2nd round for lunch cum tea.. this time i didnt really eat.. i stole some food frm my mother and bro.. keke.. went to sit the caterpillar monorail after tt.. the queue was damn long due to the rain b4 that.. queued for 1hr+ jus to sit 1 round.. fortunately i managed to get onto that caterpillar cus after mine it rained again so the monorail is temporily closed again.. those pple to spent 1hr+ queueing behind me so poor thing.. after the monorail ride i went to have my dinner at some restaurant again.. ate wine chicken with rice.. my mother bought some dim sum again.. after eating we went back to out hotel area to take photos.. after taking photos, i called dear to finish up e remaining value i had in my card.. time on the phone with him passed fast again =(


woke up at 10+.. kept all my stuff to get ready to leave.. so many pple are checking out at the same time as me.. the was so packed.. its took me years just to get to the lobby.. after i finally got down, we went to have our breakfast cum lunch.. ate mushroom chicken and vietmanese style chicky shop.. the mushroom was yummy.. hee.. after tt, we walk walked arnd the place for awhile to do some last min shopping.. i bought my lollipop cookie frm famous amos =)
left genting at arnd 3.. reached dear's place at 10++..

writtern @1:42 PM

backed frm genting..

shall blog tmr =)

writtern @12:26 AM

12 December 2006

Hello ~ today Tricia not around so i make use of this chance to blog for her =D

Today is Tricia first day in Genting, aww~ she early in the morning 6+am call me n make me talk n sms with her all the way till 7.45am.. while i had to wake up at 8am.. so i only left with 15mins to slp.. was so so so tired...

8am wake up
8.10am still on bed..eye open..
8.15am still on bed...eye still open..
8.20am jump up go brush teeth..
8.25am run back n lay down on bed again..
8.30am drag myself to toilet n bath...
8.45am finally left home for M1 training at Jurong Internation Business Park..
8.59am i reach clementi, suppose the other staffs was there too... but all of them late..
9.25am finally all here.. all of them sit van, only i ride.. somemore follow behind a slow van =(
9.30am start M1 training.

after a few hours the training end..i rode all the way back to alj. to make my season parking..
after that gone back to work at UBI

ohh~ this how i spend my morning n 1/2 noon

the later 1/2 noon, i spend my time @ upstair office making new forms and stuffs for outlet..

there goes my afternoon but ~ happily sold 2 x hp

lastly ~ evening new computer arrive~
hee i swop the new monitor with mine outlet old old 1 =x
17inch with inbuilt speaker lcd swop for a 15inch lcd

finally ~ very very time for closing.. as my door closing.........
someone knock.......awwwwwwwww ~~

a malay couple come in " eh bro! i decide to take the the motorola Z3 from you"

NETS payment $528 =D

finally my day end...

Muacks. Dear ~ this is how i spend the 1st day without u~ tricia ~

MUACKS. first day without u misses u lots =D
3 more days and u are back....


writtern @10:59 PM

11 December 2006

went for interview at dear's friend shop..

shld be starting work on sat..

got a new 1GB memory card for free..


going genting tmr..

gonna miss dear badly..

shall blog again when im back =)

writtern @6:13 PM

10 December 2006


dear ended work v early.. at 8+ we were already eating wanton mee at lavender food court.. dear dirtied his hair with some paint.. luckily it wasnt obvious and only i noticed it.. went dear's house after that so that he could washed up followed by bugis acarde.. dear tried to kiaping pooh for me again but couldnt get.. didnt bring any toys home.. i still prefer suntec's acarde.. at least i wouldnt go home empty handed.. hehe..

went to catch a movie with dear after kiaping toys.. he bought me a cheese hotdog to eat in the theatres.. watched Deja Vu.. a show similar to the butterfly effect - a chain of little events which would lead to chaos.. it is about an FBI who transported himself back to a few days to save a cruise from terrorist attact..

went to dear's house to sleep after the show.. talked to him in bed almost the whole night before falling asleep.. we just had so much to say to each other (:

ok.. enough about ytd..


homed alone now..
my whole family went out for dinner at sembawang.. didnt follow cus i was lazy..
staying at home may not a bad thing either.. can chat with dear online..

ate lots of food too..
1)cup noodles
2)seaweed chicken
3)butter cookies
5)fresh milk

probably i'll eat more when i meet dear later..

craving for satay and chicken wings now..

writtern @6:12 PM

09 December 2006

bored again..

dear being baddy told me to bring cold water down for him to exchange a present he had for me..

after awhile i found out he's still at eunos..



writtern @3:02 PM

08 December 2006

went sakura to eat lunch jus nw.. the queue was very long and we were only given an hour to eat.. ate sushi, fish, squids, sharkfin and ice cream with lots of toppings.. keke..

currently at dear's house now.. just woke up from our afternoon nap.. im waiting for him to finish his tv before bringing me out.. he lied about the duration of the show.. hmph..

anyway we'll be going suntec to eat and bring new toys home.. keke..

oh ya.. dear got punished by me ytd cus he had been notti.. made him sleep on the cold floor ytd.. hee.. i know i sound mean here but tts wat he deserves for bullying me..

writtern @7:31 PM

07 December 2006

2nd day of the holidays..

made lunch for dear and myself.. hotdog bun.. dear liked it =)

nth much happened today..

onlined the whole day again..

played JXII..

cant wait for dear end work cus he would be able to spend the whole night and whole of tmr with me.. heheh..

might blog more later..

writtern @6:53 PM

06 December 2006

dear gave me sweets jus now..

it was packed in cute baby disney boxes..

dear had been showering me with little surprises recently..

its these little things which spiced up our relationship..

love ya dear..


writtern @10:58 PM

things i did today:

sleep sleep sleep..

eat eat eat..

online online online..

boring day..

gonna meet dear soon for dinner :)

writtern @7:24 PM

05 December 2006

just submitted my rj.. the qn today was another of those irritating ones which any faci could give.. im glad to announce that my holidays starts NOW.. heh..

ok.. i'll talk about my day.. overslept again so i had to take the late bus to school.. somebody jumped into the mrt track again today morning.. the good news is.. everyone was effected so my faci thought that i was caught up in the mrt jam thats why i was late and the bad news is.. somebody died..

ate udon for both lunch and dinner.. gonna cook dear some udon later to fill his stomach.. it has been years since i last made him something nice.. hehe..

maidless for the 2nd day

writtern @7:38 PM

04 December 2006

im maidless..
gonna stay this way for another 3 weeks..


writtern @6:46 PM

03 December 2006

today.. nth happened yet..

i'll talk about ytd..


woke up at 1+ and then went bugis to get my CE points.. fiona and kye lok were late so i went to buy bubble tea and then arcade to kiap toys first.. spent $9 there and i got the piglet and tigger torch light.. now i have 3 out of 4 of its family.. i wan eeyore now!! meet wanqi after that to get my belated bdae present first.. she gave me cookies, sweets and i think some lavender tea thing wrapped up in a gift box.. the cookies are nice.. i have yet to try the tea..

fiona and kye lok came at 4++ after waiting for like 1 hr++.. zzz.. but its ok.. tricia is patient.. hees.. went library straight before it gets too late.. we need to answer a quiz of 3 questions and an RJ of 100 words to get the points.. went shopping after that.. bought lots of stuff and took lots of photos..

dear picked me up at bugis.. went to his house to submit my answers and did my rj.. felt hungry so dear brought me to market to eat supper.. ate bee hoon noodle soup.. after that i went suntec acarde to catch toy again.. dear caught me tigger and mickey mouse key chain ( i think.. looks like).. heex.. now i had the complete set for that series since they dont seem to have eeyore..

watch open season after that.. not bad la.. accept that its a little short.. however i still prefer happy feet reason being cuter and easier to understand..

its supper again after the movie.. only bought a drink cus i dont want to add on to the fats i already have.. went home after that.. i mean dear's home..

i stayed out again =P

writtern @12:50 PM

01 December 2006

holidays are coming real soon.. 2 more days of school.. hehe.. fiona and alicia didnt come school today so i had lunch with kye lok only..

ate a lot of food today..
breakfast - saussage MCmuffin with egg
lunch - wanton mee and cheesecake (wendy, cindy and syaheerah bdae cake)
sci faci bought my class ferrero rocher and marshmellow

3 cheers to fats (:

lessons today was stressful.. the problem was very difficult.. its on realism and anti realism.. zzz.. im glad the weekends are here..

going bugis tmr to get my CE points at national library.. i think i only have to fill up some forms and do some questions about the event there.. 2 NDA points jus like this.. easy.. hehe.. heard from yen siew that that would be a trip to toa payoh polyclinic soon and NDA points would be awarded too.. according to my module chair, i got to chiong finish my CE by next year otherwise I would be the most stressful DBC final student..

dear gave me 2 butterflies which he bought from some charity (he was forced to buy it).. poor boy.. got bullied.. if only he was as stubborn as me.. dont wan buy means dont wan buy.. hehe..

i wan to eat macdonalds big breakfast tmr morning =)

writtern @6:38 PM