31 January 2007

baby got his bao bei back ytd.. he gave it a new coat of paint..
look like bumble bee rite??

baby had to work will very late today so im neither bringing him dinner nor meeting him to eat.. he promised to come to look for the after he knocks off from work =D

writtern @7:23 PM

29 January 2007

i can log into blogger again..
had been having probs logging into blogger cus the my laptop blocked it or something like that..

i'll sumarize what i did the last few days..


school ended very very late.. abt 5 if i didnt rmb wrongly.. and i didnt leave early lei.. so guai rite.. hees.. dear didnt have his offday tt day.. he offered to help out at work cus they didnt have enough man power.. tts also partly why i didnt leave early la.. lols..
reach home at arnd 7.. waited patiently for dear at home.. he ended work at arnd 8 then i went down to meet him for dinner.. ate zhu cao.. dear ordered stingray, you tiao and tofu..
after dinner dear went back to shop for awhile more then we went home.. sat at the bus stop below my house with dear.. talked about lots of things..


dear didnt have to work that day.. however he still has to go for a meeting at his work place.. thinking that he would stay longer after the meeting ends like he usually do, i woke up at 12++ and took my own sweet time to prepare.. surprisingly i had a miss call from him while i was bathing.. he wanted to tell me that he can go home liaos.. first time k.. i always wait for him until very impatient de he still dont wan leave.. hees..
went to visit the acarde again at night.. dear caught me a tigger with jus a dollar =D
watched babel after that.. it wasn't nice..
stayed over at dear's place (:


nth much happen.. woke up at 11.. dear bought me prawn noodles for breakfast.. he reached shop at about 1pm when he was suppose to be there at 11am.. so notti..
stayed at home played JX II the whole day until its time for dinner..


was late for school.. its was the bus fault as usual.. waited 30 mins for it.. i dont understand why SMRT don't want to make the bus intervals more frequent.. u reach jus in time to see the bus zoom off so u have to sit there for 30++ min for the next one.. besides that, they do not have fix timings which the bus would arrive so im expected to reach there as early as possible in case the bus decides to come real early and if i were to miss it the next one would definately take more then 30 mins.. is this the punishment for being late??

okies.. lesson ended..
RJ for the day:
"A young boy is a theory, an old man is a fact." (Quote by Ed Howe). Comment.
chimalogy =(

dear+me <3

writtern @2:29 PM

24 January 2007

took this photo a few weeks ago..
currently using this photo as my phone wallpaper..
i love the beach..
and the company =D

writtern @5:54 PM

22 January 2007

dear dear had an accident today..
i knew that something was wrong the minute he called me at 10.50++..
he never calls me so early de cus he's usually on the way there at that time..
didnt believe that my instincts were right when he told me he had an accident..
poor boy =(
big cuts covered his right arm and bits here and there on the left and his legs..
see le heart pain pain..
the only injuries he ever had since he was with me were small scratches created by me..
it must have hurt a lot..
gonna plan him good dinner everyday so tt he'll recover fast then can hug hug me again..

dear injured...

okies.. time to stop thinking abt bad things..
i should be happy that his injuries aren't as bad as other motorist..
and.. he would recover by valentines which means that we could still celebrate it..
expecting a surprise =D

writtern @10:28 PM


writtern @10:04 AM

21 January 2007


went NLB early in the morning to get CE pts.. got some traditional malay exhibition there and they are giving 2NDA if we go.. attendance was taken before and after the timing we were suppose to be there to ensure we visit the booths.. slacked at the library while waiting for time to pass.. after NLB we went this fashion cus fiona and bernice wanted to shop there.. cant stop munching on bernice's honey stars.. they're sooooo addictive.. ate the whole box of it.. opps.. luckily she didnt mind.. hees.. went to check out something for dear after tt followed by lunch.. didnt have any appetite to eat cus i was feeling very very tired plus i finished bernice's stars so im not hungry.. after they had their lunch i decide to go home.. took a "short" nap which lasted 5hrs++.. woke up jus in time for dinner then go down meet dear liao..

went to catch a movie with him.. hadn't been to the cinema together for a long time.. we watched apocalypto.. i must say that its a nice show although some parts are pretty gruesome.. the show lasted for 2hrs++.. its an action love story which took place in tribal areas..

went to my 2nd home after that..


woke up at 10+.. dear bought me lor mee and pau for breakfast cum lunch.. the pau was nice.. however the lor mee didnt tasted as nice as the first time i ate it.. maybe cus i ate it alone at home.. i rmb the last time i ate it was many many months ago.. on our first date, my first stay over at his house =)

writtern @5:09 PM

19 January 2007

jus got home..
currently waiting for dear dear to get home..
he's waiting at his "personal" parking lot for ticket uncle to leave..
typical singaporean..

hadnt been really blogging much last few days cus dear had been rather busy the last few days and i accompained him =D so nice of me rite??

anyway was later for sch ytd cus i had a tummy ache so i had to get off the bus jus to relief myself.. zz.. today was even later cus my maid didnt bother waking me up and by the time i woke up myself its already 7.05 k.. had no choice but to take a cab.. it costed me 18 bucks =(

dear came to pick me up today.. he was extremely late cus he did his usual thing - lost his way.. i requested to leave at 3.45 and he reached only at 4.30 i think.. zz..
went to his house for dinner first and then we headed to our favourite hangout at suntec.. keke.. got the pink chip and dale liaos.. gonna upload a pic of them when i have the time to do so =)

writtern @11:42 PM

18 January 2007

A break out is not a break. I never say you cannot go and eat. But a break out is not for high tea. Whatever…… you can do everything but you cannot play game. But a break is a period of rest or a period of leisure.

From today onwards, there shall be a new paradox…… Steven’s paradox.

Steven’s paradox: A break is not a break. You can have your lunch but don’t take it as high tea.

adapted from kelly's blog

writtern @1:48 PM

16 January 2007

my boy got his promotion today at work.. his hard work paid off.. hees..

didnt have to attend school again today.. met up with bernice again to go to school for the talk.. left halfway through.. opps.. hopefully they didnt notice and i would still get my CE.. keke.. bernice and i felt quite aunty today cus we got ourself the 3rd goody bag from the open house cus there was MHP coupons inside.. lols.. anyway we had fun chatting with each other in school.. didnt take photos though since i didnt had the mood to.. shall take with u some other day k??

wanted to go parkway after the talk de bt 966 took years to come and by the time we reached parkway already dont have the mood to walk.. sat the bus back to eunos to change another bus home.. tired.. zzz..

went to look for dear at the shop bt he wasnt there.. his colleuge told me that he's having meeting upstairs.. waited for quite some time before his meeting ends.. meanwhile his colleuge blabbered to me about how nice dear was to him and tried asking me to go for some MLM thingy.. lucky dear appeared after a few mins and spared me from all the talking cus i didnt noe hw to react to some questions he asked.. went for dinner with him at the coffee shop.. ate fried chicken, vege, fish and prawns + rice.. full.. went
home after that..

writtern @8:44 PM

15 January 2007


didnt have to attend school today cus of open house.. went to sch for talk.. and guess wat?? i went to the wrong talk!!!! waste time go there.. could have woke up in the late afternoon instead.. zzz.. ok.. im going again tmr and im nt going to miss it again.. i heard up to 4 DA pts would be awarded and tts equivalent to doing 4 RJs from talks.. keke..

went gai gai at orchard with kelly after the "talk".. saw dear's friend sister there bt i guess she didnt see me cus she was bz chatting away with her friends.. met up with jerelynn also for awhile.. bought 2 tops from fox.. got 70% discount.. after fox kelly and me went kun-ni-kun-ya.. u noe tt big bookshop at taka.. dont know hw to spell it.. saw this 2 books there..

yes.. its tricia guild.. keke =X

reached ubi at abt 9.30.. went to look for dear for dinner.. we ordered tofu and mee goreng to eat.. yummy.. fed each other prawns.. dear said they tasted extremely sweet today.. hees..

dont talk if u dont know anything..
u pple think i made i bad choice..
i noe u're all jus envious of me..

writtern @11:03 PM

13 January 2007


hadnt been updating the pass few days cus i was bz playing game.. keke.. thurs and fri had been a wet day.. dear caught me the blue shirt chipmunk and a blue shirt mickey mouse ytd.. im left with the pink nw.. hees.. wanted to go KFC for supper after toy catching de.. but we lost our way at kallang.. went round and round.. btw the time we found it they have closed for the day.. settled with macdonalds instead.. reached home at abt 2 ytd.. washed up then went to bed near 3..

woke up v v late today.. started the day with playing game again..

im addidcted..
going over to dear's house for the night to stay..
anyone wants to go for RP open house??

writtern @5:42 PM

09 January 2007

time passed fast today.. mainly cus i was late for sch.. reached at 845.. had a relief faci today.. he didnt realease us late for 1st breakout so i like only sat there for 45 min and im free to walk arnd again.. the relief faci suggested shortening the break so we could start discussing the FMT at 10 o clock.. he came to my team first since we are team 1 and we're done with our FMT.. and its breakout 2 again after he had discussed with our team ONLY.. in total i had 4 and a half hrs of break after only 45 min of lesson.. hee.. spend all my time reading people's blog and msn-ing..

met faith after school today.. she came over to my house after her driving lessons to borrow my data cable.. she gave me a small packet of tibits =D

well.. things wasnt smooth at night.. firstly dear ended work late and by the time he finish eating the dinner i brought for him and the stuff he has to do its like almost 11.. secondly i forgot i left it into my helmet so when i wear it it dropped.. thirdly after me and dear wore our helmets he realised he left his bike keys in the shop.. so we went back to look for it and since we're there dear helped me fix my phone into the right place.. left for home after that.. dear went to the petrol station after sending me home and he dropped his keys there then he didnt know until he reached home.. so i went down to help look for his keys.. thanks goodness he found it when he went back to the station.. finally at 12+ we both could rest..
wat an unlucky day =(

writtern @11:41 PM

08 January 2007

late for school today.. there was a change in the bus route and the bus nw has to go 1 big round before getting to woodlands.. travelling on bus 966 needs abt 50 min to an hr nw.. from today onwards tricia would never be early for lessons anymore..
the lesson today was about cyberspace culture.. about blogging, online games, ebay etc. .. sound easy but its very boring because we had to talk about its pros and cons blah blah blah..
my team decided to do on blogging..

dear was late for work today.. i didnt give dear his morning call today.. did it on purpose cus he refused to go to bed ytd.. bt he wasnt late due to laziness.. he was caught in a jam cus there was an accident between a van and a taxi..
im spending all my free time in school eating.. somehow i always feel hungry in school and tts bad.. gonna get fat again!!

writtern @9:31 AM

06 January 2007

left sch early ytd.. actually nt v la.. i left after the 2nd team presented which is like abt 3.30?? zz.. reached dear's house at abt 5 instead of the intended 4 o clock..

dear was suppose to bring me to suntec for shopping first before going to his friend's bbq.. bt he didnt.. we went after tt instead.. he caught me the brown chip and dale.. hehex.. after tt, he sent me home and then he went to meet his friends again for supper..

ok.. end of blog.. i wanna go play game le.. keke

writtern @7:15 PM

04 January 2007

currently in school..
lesson ended early today but our faci does not allow us to leave until its 4pm so i had no choice but to stay..
didnt had the mood for rj so i decide to blog..
the rj qn was: What impression do you think your facilitators have of you? Use either an animal or a plant (fruit or vegetable) to describe yourself and another classmate, and why?
the type whereby theres nothing much to write about..

ok.. gonna pack up and get ready to chiong off le..

writtern @3:51 PM

03 January 2007

first day of school..

maths lesson.. sian.. if it wasnt for UT i wouldnt have went to school.. didnt oversleep today but i was still late for school.. zz.. went IT helpdesk during the first breakout cus my RP password had expired.. school's guest account can log into game.. keke.. managed to kill 1 lunar rabbit.. bt then v lag.. took abt 10 mins jus to kill it.. then dunno whether got take all then items it drop or nt also.. zz..

was suppose to meet faith after school de.. waited for her at dear's shop.. bt right it rained after she finished her driving lesson so she decided to meet me another day instead.. went straight home.. game again.. found a new location of lunar rabbit.. keke..

went to give dear his dinner at 8+.. went home after dear end work to play com again.. i think im addicted to it.. hees.. waited for dear to online.. i want to play with him..

i hope i dont oversleep tmr..

nites everyone =)

writtern @11:40 PM

01 January 2007


went to so call countdown with dear and his friends ytd.. wanted to see the fireworks only.. only managed to see abt 2 to 3 mins of it because we were late.. bt at least i do not need to squeeze with the crowd this time..

kye lok came over to spore with her family just to countdown while some singaporeans go over to malaysia to spend the new year.. funny eh??
anyways.. she was stuck in some human jam still abt 2am.. wanted to rush over there to watch fireworks de.. thank goodness we didnt go.. heh..

went chomp chomp supper after fireworks.. ate the colourful beancurd again.. chocolate flavour is still the best.. reached my 2nd home at 2.30.. played game for awhile and then went to sleep..

woke up feeling v tired today.. bt no choice.. dear had to work and i didnt bring my ez link card out.. slept on the journey home.. reached home at 11+ and continued sleeping.. woke only at 7pm.. piggy me..
dear spent the whole day gaming during work.. killing black rabbits.. keke.. went down to meet dear at 9pm.. he didnt have appetite to eat out probably due to tiredness.. poor boy.. he worked hard to earn lots of money to spend on costly small gifts on me and to make me enjoy my dates with him.. having almost everything i wanted.. hees..

dear dear + me

muacks =D

writtern @10:24 PM