28 February 2007

good afternoon everyone =D
lazy piggy tricia has jus woken up for the day..

went out with xq and faith ytd.. ate at ajisen for dinner.. i ate black papper beef.. eat till full full.. wanted to go siglap to eat ice cream after tt de bt since we were all bloated we decided to postpone it to another day.. went acarde play then went shopping.. i bought a new top and a pink hairband.. i still cant find a pair of bermudas which i like =(
xq says only eating a meal a day helps a lot in losing weight so i shall try it out.. hehe..

after shopping with them.. i went to meet dear.. wanted him to pick me up initialy bt he's too busy at work.. so i took a bus home myself.. accompany dear eat his dinner then go home le..


writtern @4:41 PM

26 February 2007

i seriously need to go on a diet..
put on loads of weight since i was with dear..
dear said that i looking like a bowling pin - small head big body =.="
all his fault!!

i shall start with nt having supper..
only liquids are allowed at night =D

meeting up with xq and faith tmr..
it has been ages since we last met up..
all of us are busy with our own stuffs..
gonna go shopping =D

writtern @10:25 PM

23 February 2007

at dear's house now..
playing game..
he went shopping with me willingly for the FIRST time =D
shop shop shop..
bt couldn't find any bermudas with the pattern i like..
the only one which i wanted didnt had my size =(

had dinner at the cafe in bugis street..
dear ate black pepper chicken and i ate seafood baked rice..
the food there not nice de..
not worth the money..

some company smsed me to work during the march IT show just now..
i agreed since dear might get called back by army during that week so he need stay at home in case..

today 23 feb le..

4 more days i and dear 11 mths liaos..

writtern @10:03 PM

20 February 2007

jus woke up..
my father's friends would be coming over to bai nian later..

ytd my mother side relatives came over..
went to dear's house before that and then he followed me home..
he so shy at my house..
dont dare talk..
dont dare walk arnd..
only dare talk to my bro..

dear left at 9++ ytd.. he counted all the toys he gave me..
i have a total of 75 soft toys nt including those which have gone missing..
dear says he's gg to stop getting me new toys since i already have so many..

i wan to eat chocolates and duck noodles =)

writtern @1:41 PM

18 February 2007


cny this year doesn't feels cny to me at all.. i dont know why.. the past years i used to enjoy visiting.. of cus for the ang bao.. bt this year i dont mind lazing in bed instead..
dear's gonna be home late today.. going to his house bai nian tmr and he'll be coming over to my house too.. hees..
i hope he wouldn't change his mind due to shyness as he's always shy to see my family..

okies.. thats all for my boring day..

miss you dear =(

writtern @10:50 PM

17 February 2007

blogging at my uncle's house now..
waiting for my other uncles to come then we'll have dinner..
sometimes its good that you have a laptop to keep you company..

dear's off from work till the 3rd day of new year..
might not be able to meet him till then =(
i hope he has some spare time to come my house visit..

didnt managed to shop for anything ytd..
spent almost the whole night at the acarde..
had 5 new toys..
and they are all disney =D
watch just follow law after acarde..
the show was hilarious..
almost every part was funny..
thumbs up for it =)

writtern @5:17 PM

15 February 2007

1 more hour till the time dear is going to knock off from work..
gonna wait for him to reach home then accompanny him play game =D
dear tmr no need work again so it gonna be shopping day for me again..

shopping list:
3)accessories to go with them


writtern @11:07 PM

had a fattening day with dear ytd..
went for the steamboat buffet at suntec and we stayed there for 3 hrs!!
dear ate non stop..

after we finished dinner it was already 9++..
went for some shopping..
stopped at giordano and i guessed we stayed there for a loooooooong time..
all the other shops were already closed by the time we left there..

dear spend lots of money there..
he got me a shirt and himself a new belt, a pair of jeans and socks..
this was the first time i saw dear shopping since the day we were together..

after giordano,
we walked around the closed mall just for the sake of walking before heading home..
stayed over at dear's place..
dear played JX II while i entertained myself..
zzz.. slept at 1++ am..

oh ya.. dear got me the bears i had been longing for since years ago.. keke..


writtern @12:39 PM

13 February 2007

wondering why im blogging at this time of the day..
its because i cant seem to log into my game =(

anyways.. i finally went to visit the doctor jus now..
he gave me some medicine to apply on my feet and it requires about a week or more to recover.. this means i will have to wear slippers throughout the new year..

bought 2 cup noodles for lunch today..
dear took one of them cus he hadnt eaten anything also..
being mean he took my seafood flavour cus he said that i should eat that now =(

tmr is valentines.. still thinking of where to go.. dear wants to go suntec again but im thinking of going somewhere that we hardly go..


writtern @5:20 PM

12 February 2007

dear is big big bully =(

writtern @4:42 PM

10 February 2007

dear got me a new phone ytd.. hees.. although the functions aren't very good it doesnt matters because i wouldn't know how to use them even if there is any.. besides that i wanted this cus of the design..

going to dear's house later.. might be catching a movie if theres any to watch.. the condition on my feet is getting worst.. i really need to see a doctor soon.. scary.. imagine the doctor digging it out and then i'll have problems walking home =(

ahhhh.. i feel like eating chicky wings and mee goreng now..

i wonder if i would ever slim down..

writtern @6:18 PM

08 February 2007

holiday mood (:

went to school only to get CE points which i only realised i had enough DP pts when i reach home.. zz.. waste time.. i could have enjoyed the comfort of my bed rather then wake up early in the morning..
i want to get a pair of new slippers from school.. it cost $12.90..

wont be meeting darling today cus he wants to rush home to play game.. zzz..
gonna make up for it tmr..
he will be getting his motorla phone tmr and he'll be letting me have it.. hees..
i hope its a pink one..

okies.. time to play game le..

writtern @6:06 PM

07 February 2007

met up with the student affair person for science and maths today..
it was about the email regarding steven soh..
he became much much much better after the complaint..
he was like so nice to me today.. nt use to it at all..
anyways.. the student affair person came to monitor his teaching in the class today..
as a result he has to ask intelligent questions about our ppt to redeem himself..
and.. he gave us ferrero rocher today.. each team 1 box.. keke..

darling ended work late today again.. but its ok.. he got tricia to keep him accompany and after that he'll be free on fri to accompany tricia.. hees..
planned to self declare holidays starting from today.. i'll only be going school to attend talks if there are any.. all my friends have almost completed their CE and i only have miserable 13 points out of 40 =(

im glad that i successfully skipped my 2nd day of lunch.. bt of cus i think i made it up during dinner.. opps.. bt its ok.. its better then eating 3 meals a day.. got to comfort myself.. keke

writtern @11:11 PM

06 February 2007

dieting day one..

baby wants me to blog something today..
today was the last lesson for cognitive..
the problem was complicated and i didnt really understand..
many of my classmates cleared their off days today and many left after presenting so when its my team's turn to present there was like only 5 pple listening to us talk.. zz..

anyways it paid to stay till the end of the lesson..
wong hur wen bought us chocolates and sweets to eat..

went to look for baby at work after school.. he wanted me to buy him mr softee at the nearby 7 eleven.. stole some from him as usual.. chatted with him for awhile then when home to play game and dinner..
went out again at 8++ to bring baby his share of dinner.. stole some tibits from him again.. keke.. baby tried giving me a wurprise after he end work bt i caught him and his surprise failed.. bt its ok.. at least he tried making me happy =D

didnt i said i was on a diet???

writtern @10:59 PM

05 February 2007

dar dar say i look cute when i throw tantrums..
how mean of him to say tt..
big bully!!

1 week 2 days to valentines.. dear promised me a surprise.. i hope he can take off on that day.. hees..
steven soh came to look for me today.. he feels that he has to talk to me about the email.. zz.. however i didnt plan any timings to meet him.. i got talk everyday k.. and he dont seem to belief..

my feet hurts!! blisters surround my already painful spot and made it even more painful overall =( dunno wat time would i reach school tmr.. gonna be super late..
HOPEFULLY with a painful feet i wouldn't visit the foodcourt in school.. its time to go on a diet..

writtern @3:42 PM

02 February 2007

didnt attend school today.. the original plan was pon school so can accompany dear the whole day de bt dear was unable to have his offday again =(
it was postponed to tmr.. he'll be here for a meeting then fetch me go shopping.. hees..

i want to find a job so that i wouldn't be bored during the holidays.. secondly i can also help to pay some on dates with dear..
hopefully i can get one that either requires me to work only a few days or can choose my own days de..

tips of the day: connections are very important in RP.. especially when u're going for talks..

writtern @2:00 PM