27 May 2007


watch pirates of the caribbean 3 with dear ytd..
i understood is this time.. keke..
the show ended at 2+++..
stayed over at dear’s place since it is already very late..

woke up at 12 today..
went to wash up then follow dear to ubi le..
dear make spoil his work place door knob..
it came off when he was tying to open it.. lol..
after he had repaired his door we went for lunch..
ate kway chap..
dear went back shop before i finish my share cus he wants to shit -.-
left his drink there call me take care..
then after awhile i need toilet urgently also and dear is taking forever to come back.. zzz…
so i poured his drink back into the can.. lol..
go his shop toilet wan hurry him out de bt i realized he wasn’t in toilet!!!
bully!!!!! =(

after that talk to dear for awhile more then go home le..
reach home pom pom then go online le..

no dinner today again..
gonna treat dear nice food eat =)

writtern @8:25 PM

25 May 2007

having 3rd meeting now..

overslept again today..
cabbed to yck mrt..
all dear’s fault..
play game with me ytd till late late..

its his offday today..
he’s going to come sch to pick me up =D
no need walk..

ate fried wanton during 1st breakout..
2nd breakout only buy drink cus got talk and not hungry..
abt the talk.. it was very very boring..
the women got so many things to say and she seemed to be only siding the rich people in sg..
the talk ended at 1.30 and I went back to class while Fiona and lok when to grab a bite..

cant wait for school to end..
i want to shop badly

writtern @3:40 PM

21 May 2007

woke up early for school today..
surprisingly i wasn’t tired like other days..
it rained right after i left home..
rushed to the bus stop before it gets bigger..

web multimedia today..
was friendster-ing during lesson time..
clicked onto a “friend’s” blog..
his blog is super bhb and er xin..
friendster and testi also all girls only..
mus be all anyhow add one..
stupid guy..

okies.. back to my day..
i wasn’t late for school..
luckily arhs..
forgot to bring my card out so i didn’t had lots of money to eat..
imagine if im late and i hopped on to a cab..
reach school no money pay so embarrassing..

school ended at 3.45..
left immediately after completing my evaluation and quiz..
reach home earlier then usual today..
play game, do rj then bring dear his dinner le..

headache =(

writtern @11:18 AM

19 May 2007

jus got home frm dear’s friend bbq..

okies.. some things about today..
lesson was very boring..
the topic today was dry..
merely theory and more theories..
was very tired in the morning and couldn’t absorb anything..
so sit there and try to act hardworking =x

went for breakfast with lok at w1..
bought chocolate milk shake and I regretted..
it was so sweet and thick k..
drank only 2/3 of it then threw the rest away..
should have stick with my honeydew milkshake..

2nd breakout..
slept during the first half of it cus I was too tired..
then later go w1 again for lunch with lok, fiona and alicia..
i ate beef noodles while they all ate nasi lemak..
the soup was nice but very salty and im thinking of eating the pork rib noodles next mon =P

well.. lesson ended early today..
however there was ut after school so cant go home =(
dear had his offday today..
chiong to dear’s place right after the ut ended..
as usual dear was late to pick me up from the bus stop so I ended up walking to his blk myself again =(
dear and i cabbed down to the bike shop to get his bike a mirror cus somebody stole it -.-
after getting the mirror cabbed back to his place again to repair his bike then back to his house again to slack for awhile before going for the bbq..
as usual dear lost his way..
stayed there for awhile only then gg rain le..
so we went home..
it started raining on the way home..
hide behind dear so not very wet..

dear just reach home..
going play game with him le..
bye bye~~!!

writtern @12:07 AM

16 May 2007

didnt go to sch for the java thingy cus i overslept..
woke up at 1+++ first then since late le then went back to sleep again..
lazy me.. hee..

ytd ended school at 6 cus i went for PP talk..
went with fiona, lok, alicia and cherie..
my friends stay in school for cam whoring session..
bt i didnt cus i went straight to airport to celebrate xq bdae at swensens..
meet faith and shuan at tamp..
faith fetch us there..
her driving is scary..
wonder how she got her license..
we had fun gossiping abt many many stuff during dinner..
gossiped about poly and sec sch..

anyways.. dear came to meet us after he end work for dinner and to pick me up..
he ate breaded chicken(dunno hw to spell) and fried mushrooms..
he gave me his fries but i was too full to eat them..
spent $90++ there..
it was suppose to be $100+++ but the kind manager there gave us a discount after knowing its xq's bdae..

after dinner..
we headed home straight cus xq and faith had school today..
reached home at 11++..
dear made me something sweet in game..

click to enlarge..

muacks (:

writtern @5:15 PM

14 May 2007

at school..
had headaches and back aches during the first breakout..
symptoms of ageing??

anyway.. blogger is getting from bad to worst..
it keeps giving errors saying that IE had encountered a problem blah blah..
then it just close without allowing me to save it..
takes me years just to type out an entry..

my bro just got back from bangkok just now..
he said he got me presents..
actually nt really presents cus i paid for it..

okies.. will blog more later after i have seen them..

writtern @2:22 PM

11 May 2007

good morning everybuddy..
im feeling bored in school now..
that explains why im blogging here now..

have been busy playing game the past few days so didnt blog..
dear had been mean again recently..
big bully =(

next week is xq bdae..
19 years old le..
faith and i already had some places in mind to treat her eat..
but cannot make up our mind..
everywhere also wan eat..
problem with greedy pple..

okies.. break time is approaching..
im going to get the mocha ice blended again..
its addictive..

writtern @8:52 AM

08 May 2007

tank concert ytd was very nice..
took a video of the whole concert =D

well.. it ended at 6++..
dear called me 3 times but could not get through cus my school's threatre doesn't has receiption =.=
walked to cwp with my friends..
wanted to eat dinner de but everywhere was too crowded..
so i went back to eat with dear..
kelly followed me to ubi to rent vcds..

after eating.. i went home cus eyes too tired le..
dont want talk to dear till i take off contacts..
and dear sure tired also..
so we go home play game..
i play till 2++ only then go sleep le..
dear notti..
sleep late late again..

writtern @10:25 AM

07 May 2007

cabbed to school today..
left something at home and i had to go back home to get it..
$18.70 gone =(
reached school at 8.25..
i think this was the first time i was early for this module.. keke..
had web multimedia today..
the faci for this always has the same comment for every team - i think team ?? did very well.. let give them a round of applause *clap clap*

what i learn today:
the best answer to counter faci's questions is
why not?
for example,
faci: why do you do it this way instead of doing blah blah blah??
student: why not??

faci: do you think you can do it in this way??
student: why not??


tank concert later..
kelly and justine would be coming to my school for it too..
all 3 of us including fionny and hui lin are connected through working at rob jus that we are unaware of it..
gonna blog more again when i get home =)

writtern @12:32 PM

03 May 2007

dear had his offday ytd..
we went to watch spiderman 3..
i treat him neh..
so nice of me rite =D

before that i went to his house to meet him first..
reached there at 6++..
reach his door jus nice he open..
so i BOO!!
scared him.. look so cute..
then he purposely close door dont let me in cus he felt bullied =x

after awhile he let me in le..
slacked at his house for awhile then went down to eat dinner..
i ate fried chicken and dear ate fish and chip..
went down to get tix for our movie after that..

after the show.. went to his house again talk talk till 12++...
then went home le..
online for abt 30 min then sleep..

i was early for school leis..
reach class only got a few pple..

1st break went to meet lok buy some mum mum..
and now im back in class..
1 more hr till the next break..
gonna go for pp talk later..

writtern @10:19 AM