20 July 2007

had a bad tummy today =(
shitted twice.. both super long one..
lots to let out..

lesson today was very hard..
learn what till now i still dunno..
lesson end late as usual..
4.30.. zzz..
went home straight..

dear called me when i end lesson..
first time neh..
usually mus i call him wake him up de because he is PIG..

reach home le..
do usual stuff again – play game =)

writtern @7:57 PM

17 July 2007

stupid berries block my lemon frm me..
thought lemon disappear into thin air..

first photo (from tritri^^ screen)

second photo (from honeybee6 screen.. where is lemon??!!! !@#$%)

writtern @2:18 PM

16 July 2007

getting more and more addicted although the game’s getting quite boring..
contradicting eh?

dear is getting frm lazy to lazier to cant be cured de lazy..
he spends the day sleeping only waking up to see the moon..

well.. got my lappy reformatted last sat..
all my photos are gone.. sobz..
dear i don’t care u have to take more photos with me..
and i mean many photos not 1 or 2 wor =)

tmr is tues..
i love weds =)
no sch, no need wake up early and can play game =D

17 more days of sch till my holidays..

writtern @10:39 PM

10 July 2007

dear wants me to update my blog..
hadn’t been blogging for a week..
dear had been evil and bad..
bully bully bully bully..

well I guess today was the best multimedia lesson I ever had so far..
sat inside with no disturbance – at least for the first meeting and the breakout ONLY..
but its better then usual le..
i could play my game, surf the net without my faci calling me by tt dunno wat name, shifting and arranging my stuff in and arrangement which I do not like at all..
my com lei..
why mus put it the way u like…

today is Tuesday =D
no sch tmr =D
but somehow i keep thinking there is sch..

writtern @10:12 PM