27 April 2008

i didnt want this to happen either..

why didnt u ask for a patch earlier? =(

maybe all this wouldnt have happened..

im not blaming you..

im jus sad..

take care my dear..

writtern @12:52 AM

24 April 2008

disappointed with u..

is it wrong for me to make new friends?

or even talk to a close guy friend?


writtern @8:37 AM

18 April 2008

no internet connection at home :(

writtern @1:51 PM

11 April 2008


lesson today was entirely theory base..
the kind where u have to refer to books..

im doing research on the difference between economy in the past and now..
quite a simple part of the ppt as compared to the rest..
but u noe lazy pple..

well.. cabbed to sch today cause i wanted a little bit more of sleep..
the fare went up to $26++

writtern @11:52 AM

07 April 2008

first day of sch..

was VERY LATE!!!!!!!
due to the disruptions in the mrt service..
i heard someone jumped off the tracks again =x

out of all the days why mus it be on a monday morning on my first day of sch where impression is the most important =(

had marketing lesson today..
pretty simple which i belief its because its just the first lesson..
hee hee..

shopping later! ^^

writtern @12:11 PM

sch starts tmr =(
and im still awake..

doing last minute downloads from vpn..

next sem i only have 1 fixed class unlike my friends who has to go to a diff class everyday..
hopefully my new class wouldnt be as bad as my last sem..

rmb ur promise my dear =x

writtern @1:10 AM