31 July 2008

blogging in mac now..
internet at home is down again =(
this time my whole family couldn't get access to the net so i shall sit and wait till 1 of them calls starhub =x

blog shop is up..
do visit it at yea?
i hope i can earn some extra cash from there to fulfill my dream of setting up a shop of my own =S
i cannot make up my mind which flea market space to rent..
rental of flea markets is so expensive these days..
just a small space could go up to $70 per day for some locations..

i noe you would not see my blog before tmr evening because you are on off tmr..
i hope to make you happy tmr..
please make urself free for my little surprise ok?

writtern @8:49 PM

24 July 2008

fyp presentation ytd..

it was not as easy as we thought..

many unexpected questions from the evaluators..


after fyp went k box with fyp mates..

sang till 7 then we went shopping at suntec..

bought a top, a dress and a bangle..

writtern @10:55 AM

21 July 2008

hello (:

bought a new hammie last thurs..
they couldnt get along very well at the start but im glad they could now =D
bathed them ytd with shampoo..
they looked so cute when they are wet..
small small one..!
so ke ai..

got fyp presentation rehersal later..
gotta meet those pang seh kias..
maybe its good that i am doing the next fyp with them cus my new team is pure dbc which mean we have more chance of getting a pure business project..
no codings! =D

watch dark knight last sat with my boy..
didnt understand a bit though =P

love u my boy..
dont make me jealous again ok? =(

writtern @8:48 AM

04 July 2008

got myself new pets!


pink mouse

+ hamster!

heh =)

writtern @9:22 AM